Please watch this powerful video depicting what happens during the consecration.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:00 am
Holy Hour Friday's after mass
"The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few”
Matthew 9:35-38
Tuesday: 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Church Office Phone:
(830) 701-3123
19711 N. Dixon Rd.
Somerset, TX 78069
Email Address:
Before Mass on Saturday or you may call the office for an appointment.
We are excited to announce the opening of the Jubilee Year 2025, a time of grace, renewal, and celebration for Catholics around the world! The Catholic Church celebrates a Jubilee Year every 25 years. This special Jubilee, declared by Pope Francis, calls us to reflect on God’s boundless mercy and embrace our mission to live out the Gospel in everyday life. Here in the Archdiocese of San Antonio, we will join with the Universal Church in prayer, pilgrimage, and acts of charity throughout the year. The Jubilee Year officially began on December 29, 2024, and all parishes are invited to participate by visiting designated Pilgrimage Sites across the archdiocese, special jubilee Masses, and opportunities for confession and reconciliation. Visit for more information or click the button below.
Upcoming Events / Próximos Eventos:
Estamos emocionados de anunciar la apertura del Año Jubilar 2025, un tiempo de gracia, renovación y celebración para los católicos de todo el mundo. La Iglesia Católica celebra un Año Jubilar cada 25 años. Este Jubileo especial, declarado por el Papa Francisco, nos llama a reflexionar sobre la misericordia ilimitada de Dios y abrazar nuestra misión de vivir el Evangelio en la vida cotidiana. Aquí en la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio, nos uniremos a la Iglesia Universal en oración, peregrinación y actos de caridad durante todo el año. El Año Jubilar comenzó oficialmente el 29 de diciembre de 2024, y todas las parroquias están invitadas a participar visitando los Sitios de Peregrinación designados en toda la arquidiócesis, misas jubilares especiales y oportunidades de confesión y reconciliación. Visite para obtener más información o haga clic en el botón de arriba.
Sabados: Clases de catecismo en español. 9:00 am—10:30 am.
Sundays: CCD classes in English. 9:15 am-10:30 am.
Thursdays: OCIA (formerly RCIA) classes at 6:30 pm.
Parish Events
Saturdays : Men’s Prayer Group for parishioners of St. Mary’s and St. Peter the Fisherman for men ages 18 and up. The group will meet at 7:30 a.m. at St. Mary's during the month of February.
Los Sabados: Grupo de oración para hombres de 18 años en adelante para los feligreses de St. Mary’s y St. Peter's. El grupo se reune en St. Mary's a las 7:30 a.m. durante el mes de febrero.
Church schedule
St Mary’s:
Saturday 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am Spanish
Sunday 11:00 am
St Peter the Fisherman:
Saturday 5:30 pm Spanish
Sunday 9:30 am
Come home to the love of the Lord.
Our faith community welcomes you, and your family. Join us every Saturday and Sunday to worship, pray and learn.
Somerset, TX
A Roman Catholic Church of the
Archdiocese of San Antonio, Texas
Growing your faith in the Lord is rewarding when you have a faithful Shepherd. Our church is led by Fr Jim Kotara.